Week 3: July 14-18. Expressive Art Week for Teens - Art Forms in Nature
Week 3: July 14-18. Expressive Art Week for Teens - Art Forms in Nature
Grades: 7th-12th
Times: 9 am- 3 pm
Full Day Camps: 1 student $415 week/ each sibling $375
Maximum enrollment: 12
Flex, nurture, coax your creative voice this week and explore art forms in nature as inspo to create your own artworks. Based in a real working artist’s studio, projects include a week long mural we’ll design and work on collaboratively, weird watercolors inspired by the botany of underwater creatures, acrylic paintings based on animal and plant patterns and visits to other studios! Each participant gets a sketchbook for drawing, doodling, mixed-media source material creation and world play activities/journaling. No previous experience required just a desire to create, explore and be open to getting messy and letting your true nature shine through!
Registration Costs:
1 student - $415
1 student + sibling: $415 + $375 = $790
1 student + 2 siblings -$415 +375 + 375 = $1,165